When Renting a Wetsuit, Buoyancy Compensator, Regulator Along with The other Required Gear, You Wouldn’t want to Take it Smelly and Dirty would You ?
No You Wouldn’t. We want you to enjoy your rental experience.
Normally we ask that you soak, slosh and Hang these items at Home with FRESH Water before it comes back to Hollywood Divers. Please Rinse the Gear Thoroughly before Returning it.
If The Rental Equipment isn’t Rinsed, Hollywood Divers charges $20 Dollars per Item IE … Boots, Gloves, Hood and Wetsuit Rental that is returned smelly or sandy would normally cost you $80 Dollars.
Gear Rinsing Fees can add up fast. So Now you can prepay for Rinse fees at $20 Per item or $50 for the entire set of scuba. Each Set Rinsing Labor would be paid ahead of time, upon gear pickup.
Rental Fees are NOT Included here. When Renting gear please let us know if you want to pay for rinse fees up front and we will take care of it. Rinse Fees are PER SET of Equipment.
Hollywood Divers wants to be fair about these policies and Many times people just forget or didn’t listen to the rental briefing. Other times we understand that things come up and customers just don’t have time to rinse.
So why not pay for the rinse fees up front and save time and money on gear rinsing ?
For 50$ USD Hollywood Divers Will Rinse Booties, Hood, Gloves, BCD, Wetsuit and Regulator.
For 70$ USD get your rentals rinsed along with your Rental Drysuit and Undergarment Laundered.
The Above Offering does not include the rental fees and are in addition to the normal rental fees per day.